eNewsletter Writing

Regular contact with existing clients is at the heart of customer-retention. And the most effective, low-cost method is the eNewsletter.

eNewsletters help you forge a lasting relationship with your customer base, and announce special offers, opportunities, promotions or events. Customers that have signed up for an eNewsletter are genuinely interested in the events at your company. Effective eNewsletters have consistent delivery times, and are full of interesting content that encourages them to read future mailings.

You know your customers. So, we at SEO Copywriters will work with you to develop an eNewsletter that addresses the subjects you find important, and then distribute the content at a frequency you determine appropriate.

eNewsletters can be used to forge new relationships, strengthen current ones, and most of all let the customer know that they are valued and remembered.

Contact SEO Copywriters for a free estimate or consultation. Let our results be your results.

SEO Copywriting

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Marketing Materials

Radio and television commercial scripts, brochure and pamphlet content...

Representative Clients

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